I think it is wonderful that people use the month of November to list the many things they are thankful for, but what about the rest of the 11 months in the year? Being thankful is more than saying “thank you”, or even recognizing the many things we are thankful for by sharing them through…
Identify Social Media Platforms and Create Calendar to Reach Your Customers
Reach Your Target Audience by Identifying Your Top Social Networking Sites and Being Intentional by Creating a Social Media Calendar To continue our discussion on developing a social media campaign, it is important to choose the platforms that are the most effective sites to reach your target market. To discover the plethora of social media…
Common LinkedIn Mistakes to Avoid Now
We all hear the many tools and tasks we MUST do with LinkedIn and other social media platforms, but what about things we should NOTdo, but most likely are? Good questions! I’ve listed some mistakes to avoid and should change immediately: Your profile is incomplete. Just because your profile may say “100% complete”, you need…
Research Your Target Market for Social Networking Campaign
You Must Understand Your Target Market to Effectively Reach Your Audience. Questions to Ask Your COI’s for Research Gathering. In my previous blog, “Before beginning a social media campaign, you must develop a focused marketing plan,” I mentioned reaching out to your COI’s for guidance when deciding the markets you want to focus on for your…